作 者:L. Ye. Momotiuk ;S. S. Gerasymenko ;H. V. Holubova
出 处:Статистика України. 2019 ;86(3):116-126.doi:10.31767/su.3(86)2019.03.13
出 版 社:State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit (NASAA), the National Academy for Public Administration (NAPA) under the President of Ukraine
文 章 ID:249206634
作 者:H. V. Holubova
出 处:Статистика України. 2019 ;84(1):24-34.doi:10.31767/su.1(84)2019.01.03
出 版 社:State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit (NASAA), the National Academy for Public Administration (NAPA) under the President of Ukraine
文 章 ID:249206649
作 者:V. O. Shevchuk ;L. Ye. Momotyuk ;V. V. Popova 等
出 处:Статистика України. 2015 ;(2(69)):23-26.
出 版 社:State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit (NASAA), the National Academy for Public Administration (NAPA) under the President of Ukraine
文 章 ID:249206828