作 者:Cook, Kaye V. ;Sim, DongGun
出 处:Journal of Psychology and Christianity. 2015 ;(March).
出 版 社:CAPS International (Christian Association for Psychological Studies)
文 章 ID:184753358
作 者:Cook, Kaye V. ;Boyatzis, Chris J. ;Kimball, Cynthia 等
出 处:Journal of Psychology and Christianity. 2015 ;(September).
出 版 社:CAPS International (Christian Association for Psychological Studies)
文 章 ID:184753381
作 者:Cook, Kaye V. ;Leonard, Kathleen C.
出 处:Journal of Psychology and Theology. 2014 ;(June).
出 版 社:Rosemead School of Psychology
文 章 ID:184867550
作 者:Kimball, Cynthia N. ;Boyatzis, Chris J. ;Cook, Kaye V. 等
出 处:Journal of Psychology and Christianity. 2013 ;(September).
出 版 社:CAPS International (Christian Association for Psychological Studies)
文 章 ID:218285825
作 者:Cook, Kaye V.
出 处:Adolescence. 2000 ;(December).
出 版 社:Libra Publishers, Inc.
文 章 ID:218298699
作 者:Kimball, Cynthia N. ;Boyatzis, Chris J. ;Cook, Kaye V. 等
出 处:Journal of Psychology and Theology. 2013 ;(September).
出 版 社:Rosemead School of Psychology
文 章 ID:218315537