作 者:Shubhangi Mahamuni ;Vivekanand Mishra ;Vijay M.Wadhai
出 处:International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks. 2011 ;3(5).
出 版 社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
文 章 ID:86838497
作 者:Sunny gill ;Gaurav Rupnar ;Vaibhav Ramteke 等
出 处:International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology. 2011 ;1(1-2):70-74 March to April Issue 2011 .ISSN 2231.
出 版 社:Seventh Sense Research Group
文 章 ID:113425626
作 者:Prasad S.Halgaonkar ;Vijay M.Wadhai ;A.D.Potgantwar
出 处:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2010 ;10(2).
出 版 社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
文 章 ID:47750347
作 者:Dipak P.Patil ;Vijay M.Wadhai
出 处:International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks. 2014 ;6(6):57 .doi:10.5121/ijwmn.2014.6605
出 版 社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
文 章 ID:218335824
作 者:Dipti D.Patil ;Sunita M.Karad ;Vijay M.Wadhai 等
出 处:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2010 ;10(8):123-130.
出 版 社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
文 章 ID:186858430
作 者:Prasad S.Halgaonkar ;Vijay M.Wadhai ;A.D.Potgantwar
出 处:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2010 ;10(2):246-253.
出 版 社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
文 章 ID:186859680