期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
页码:70-74 March to April Issue 2011 .ISSN 2231
出版社:Seventh Sense Research Group
摘要:—We all receive and send emails and are very much familiar to the term but what we need is that the emails which we are sending or receiving are very much secure or not. They are received by the intended person or not, or is not being misused in the way. So despite the widespread perception that email security is of critical importance. Numerous solutions to the problem of securing email have been developed and standardized but these have proved difficult to deploy and use[1]. One of the main reasons for this difficulty is that each piece of the required technology has been developed independently as a generic platform on which security solutions may be built. As a consequence the user is left with an unacceptably complex configuration problem. This paper proposes a means of providing transparent email security without the need for additional configuration based on existing security standards.