作 者:Verica Manojlovic ;Jasna Ðonlagic ;Bojana Obradovic 等
出 处:Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly. 2005 ;11(02).
出 版 社:Association of the Chemical Engineers
文 章 ID:47643893
作 者:Dragan Povrenovic, Viktor Nedovic
出 处:Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly. 2010 ;16(02).doi:10.2298/CICEQ100123021P
出 版 社:Association of the Chemical Engineers
文 章 ID:47594065
作 者:Gregoria Mitropoulou ;Viktor Nedovic ;Arun Goyal 等
出 处:Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2013 ;2013:1-15.doi:10.1155/2013/716861
出 版 社:Hindawi Publishing Corporation
文 章 ID:243698697
作 者:Sofija Djordjevic ;Danijela Popovic ;Sasa Despotovic 等
出 处:Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly. 2016 ;22(3):301-308.doi:10.2298/CICEQ150501044D
出 版 社:Association of the Chemical Engineers
文 章 ID:263807981
作 者:Ana Belscak-Cvitanovic ;Viktor Nedovic ;Ana Salevic 等
出 处:Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly. 2017 ;23(4):457-471.doi:10.2298/CICEQ160722060B
出 版 社:Association of the Chemical Engineers
文 章 ID:263808043