作 者:S. R. Krishnamoorthi ;K. S. Venkatesh ;Rajangam Ilangovan
出 处:Advances in Condensed Matter Physics. 2013 ;2013.doi:10.1155/2013/692364
出 版 社:Hindawi Publishing Corporation
文 章 ID:87734661
作 者:R. Krishnamoorthi ;P. D. Sheba Kezia Malarchelvi
出 处:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2008 ;8(5):195-204.
出 版 社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
文 章 ID:46444684
作 者:R. Krishnamoorthi ;P. D. Sheba Kezia Malarchelvi
出 处:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2008 ;8(5):195-204.
出 版 社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
文 章 ID:186860766