作 者:Rubeena Jabi ;Deepty Dubey ;Dr. Punyaban Patel
出 处:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. 2015 ;3(11).doi:10.15680/IJIRCCE.2015.0311214
出 版 社:S&S Publications
文 章 ID:153307373
作 者:Punyaban Patel ;Banshidhar Majhi ;Bibekananda Jena 等
出 处:International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing. 2012 ;4(11):53-62.
出 版 社:MECS Publisher
文 章 ID:96711390
作 者:Dulal Acharjee, Punyaban Patel
出 处:International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 2009 ;4(02).
出 版 社:World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
文 章 ID:47750686