作 者:Vandana Jaswal ;Astt Professor. Nidhi Sood
出 处:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering. 2013 ;3(7).
出 版 社:S.S. Mishra
文 章 ID:87810001
作 者:Palak Rao ;Asha Mandalia ;Nidhi Sood 等
出 处:National Journal of Community Medicine. 2019 ;10(11):585-588.
出 版 社:National Journal of Community Medicine
文 章 ID:243731406
作 者:Sachin M. Patel ;Nidhi Sood ;Parul Patel
出 处:National Journal of Community Medicine. 2016 ;7(4):278-280.
出 版 社:National Journal of Community Medicine
文 章 ID:217943747