作 者:N.Ani Brown Mary ;K.Saravanan
出 处:International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications. 2013 ;4(1).doi:10.5121/ijgca.2013.4101
出 版 社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
文 章 ID:87815517
作 者:K.Saravanan ;Dr.A.Senthil kumar ;J.S.Dolian
出 处:International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering. 2011 ;3(3):1091-1096.
出 版 社:Engg Journals Publications
文 章 ID:87747699
作 者:J. Lakshmanaperumal ;K.Thanushkodi ;N.M.Saravana kumar 等
出 处:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2010 ;10(11).
出 版 社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
文 章 ID:47838600
作 者:R.Abijah Dionysius ;D.Vignesh Kumar ;P.Venkatesh 等
出 处:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. 2016 ;4(3):3583.doi:10.15680/IJIRCCE.2016.0403155
出 版 社:S&S Publications
文 章 ID:179506563
作 者:P.Periasamy ;R.Rejeeth ;V.Ganesh Kumar 等
出 处:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. 2016 ;4(3):3589.doi:10.15680/IJIRCCE.2016.0403156
出 版 社:S&S Publications
文 章 ID:179506564
作 者:K.Saravanan ;Dr.A.Senthil kumar ;J.S.Dolian
出 处:International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering. 2011 ;3(03):1091-1096.
出 版 社:Engg Journals Publications
文 章 ID:94536341
作 者:K.Saravanan ;T.Ravichandran
出 处:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2012 ;12(4):77-85.
出 版 社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
文 章 ID:186859285
作 者:J. Lakshmanaperumal ;K.Thanushkodi ;N.M.Saravana kumar 等
出 处:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2010 ;10(11):157-164.
出 版 社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
文 章 ID:186859510