作 者:Donald Gabriels ;Soil Care, Ghent University, Belgium. ;Deyanira Lobo 等
出 处:Revista Sociedade & Natureza. 2005 ;1(1).
出 版 社:Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
文 章 ID:100657511
作 者:Ruben Vanderlinde Department of Educational Studies ;Ghent University, Belgium ;[email protected] Johan van Braak Department of Educational Studies 等
出 处:Educational Technology and Society. 2011 ;14(02).
出 版 社:IFETS - Attn Kinshuck
文 章 ID:47842353
作 者:Yang Xu (Southwest Jiaotong University ;China) Jun Liu (University of Ulster ;Northern Ireland 等
出 处:Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2010 ;16(1).
出 版 社:Graz University of Technology and Know-Center
文 章 ID:47435282
作 者:Jeroen Stragier (Ghent University ;Belgium) Pieter Verdegem (Ghent University ;Belgium) Gino Verleye (Ghent University, Belgium)
出 处:Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2010 ;16(8).
出 版 社:Graz University of Technology and Know-Center
文 章 ID:47527146