作 者:Anthony Osoro
出 处:Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy. 2015 ;5(3):82-92.
出 版 社:Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy
文 章 ID:183095538
作 者:Cyrus Saul Amemba ;Pamela Getuno Nyaboke ;Anthony Osoro 等
出 处:European Journal of Business and Management. 2013 ;5(12):51-61.
出 版 社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
文 章 ID:203627511
作 者:Anthony Osoro ;Willy M. Muturi ;Patrick K.. Ngugi
出 处:European Journal of Business and Management. 2015 ;7(25):49-60.
出 版 社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
文 章 ID:203642141
作 者:Gatari Catherine Njoki ;Noor Ismail ;Anthony Osoro
出 处:International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 2021 ;11(5):13-24.doi:10.6007/IJARBSS/v11-i5/9853
出 版 社:Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
文 章 ID:1037764497
作 者:Nicholas Chengeh Cheptora ;Anthony Osoro ;Enock Gideon Musau
出 处:International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 2018 ;8(9):605-616.doi:10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i9/4641
出 版 社:Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
文 章 ID:1037767830
作 者:Nicholas Chengeh Cheptora ;Anthony Osoro ;Enock Gideon Musau
出 处:International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 2018 ;8(9):594-604.doi:10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i9/4640
出 版 社:Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
文 章 ID:1037767831
作 者:Maxwell Maobe Mogoi ;Anthony Osoro
出 处:Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems. 2022 ;13(1):1-10.doi:10.7176/CEIS/13-1-01
出 版 社:International Institute for Science, Technology Education
文 章 ID:1038382717