标题:Multimodal emergens via musik - Eksemplificeret ved en reklamefilm og en dokumentarfilm [Emergent forms of meaning-making using music in multimodal compositions - Exemplified through a television commercial and a television documentary]
期刊名称:MedieKultur : Journal of Media and Communication Research
出版社:Sammenslutningen af Medieforskere i Danmark (SMID)
摘要:I denne artikel præsenteres og argumenteres for en værkanalytisk indfaldsvinkel i forhold til det at undersøge multimodal betydningsdannelse i audiovisuelle medieprodukter såsom reklamefilm og dokumentarfilm, hvor flere forskellige modaliteter eller semiotiske ressourcer samvirker. Som teoretisk ramme anvendes det videnskabsfilosofisk forankrede emergensbegreb, der trods dets primært naturvidenskabelige anknytning med fordel kan appliceres på perceptuelt-æstetiske fænomener, i forhold til hvilke der anlægges en hermeneutisk tilgang. Med udgangspunkt i en interesse for navnlig musikkens ekspressive og semantiske potentiale i forhold til det multimodale betydningshele diskuteres en række centrale forskningsbidrag på området og deres stilling i forhold til en forståelsesramme, der tager afsæt i emergensbegrebets definitoriske kriterier. På denne baggrund foretages analytiske nærstudier af tre forskellige audiovisuelle sekvenser, hvori samme musikalske komposition indgår, men hvor dens arrangering i forhold til de øvrige modaliteter varierer betragteligt.
其他摘要:In this article I will demonstrate an analytic-hermeneutic approach regarding multimodal semiosis in audio-visual media products, such as television commercials and documentaries in which several modalities or semiotic resources co-operate and interact. As a theoretical framework I will exploit the concept of emergence. Although usually associated with philosophy, systems theory and the sciences, this concept can prove instructive in evaluating intermodal correlation in perceptive-aesthetic phenomena as well, seeing that multimodal semiosis is not merely a summation of images plus words plus music. Taking as a point of departure the expressive and semantic potential of music as one component in a coherent multimodal whole, I will discuss a number of profound contributions to the field of music’s semiotic potential in multimedia in relation to a comprehensive analytical framework, which take into consideration the established criteria for emergence. I shall illustrate my approach by analysing a television commercial for “SkandiaBanken”, named Killarna (“The Guys”), and two scenes from a Danish documentary, Fogh bag facaden (“Fogh behind the façade”). All three audio-visual clips include the same musical composition (“Waltz No. 2” by Dmitri Shostakovich), but compared to each other, the music takes on different roles and positions against the other modalities/resources, and consequently, different types of meaning emergence are shaped.