摘要:The noticing function of output has been investigated by a number of researchers in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) (e.g. Izumi, S., 2002, Izumi, S., Bigelow, M., 2000, Izumi, S., Bigelow, M., Fujiwara, M., Fearnow, S., 1999, Song and Suh, 2008). Still, the nature of such noticing and its effect on subsequent learning of English grammar has not been thoroughly investigated. The present study investigated the effect of output and the relative efficacy of two different output task types (reconstruction task and picture-cued writing task) on the noticing and learning of English past modals. Ninety four subjects remained to participate in our experiment. The results of the study offered some evidence that output task types better promote both the noticing and learning of the target structure. The positive effect of output demonstrated in this study is consistent with the hypothesized function of output in SLA.
关键词:output;noticing;grammar teaching;task types;English past modals