摘要:Many studies have been conducted to identify and classify language learning strategies (Rubin, 1975; Naiman et al, 1978; Fillmore, 1979; O'Malley et al, 1985 and 1990; Politzer and Groarty, 1985; Prokop, 1989; Oxford, 1990b; and Wenden, 1991a). Different studies have used different classifications and different ways of measuring learning strategies. This study attempted to explore what language learning strategies employed by students at EFL setting and to propose an alternative of learning strategy measurement for learners who study English as a foreign language. In the current study a total of 88 enrolled at English Department participated. After a series of reliability and correlation analysis the current study proposes an alternative of language learning strategy measurement. The learning strategy measurement in this study consists cognitive, metacognitive and social strategies which are grouped under skill-based categories: listening category, listening category, reading category and writing category.
关键词:learning strategy;strategy classification;learning strategy measurement;learning strategy in EFL context;skill-based strategy