摘要:The authors discuss the development of the information management (IM) research area by reviewing three articles published in 2002. The fi rst article provides a content analysis of the papers published in the major IM journals in 2000 and compares the themes emerged with an analysis from 1987. Two other articles reviewed by the authors refl ect the development of the research area of knowledge management (KM). The fi rst paper analyses the research articles published in the main information systems’ journals. The second one examines in a critical manner the development of KM mainly as a fi eld of management consultancy. The authors conclude that the content of the articles reviewed overlaps in both areas but also is complementary in nature. They suggest that the major reason for the identity problem of IM as a research fi eld of information studies is caused by the diffi culty of defi ning the concepts of information and knowledge and their relation to each other. The authors regard the shift towards research interests in examining organizational knowledge and knowing from a managerial task perspective as the following stage in the evolution of information management as a research area of information science.