摘要:The Arctic Council (AC) has recognized thatthe International Polar Year (2007-2008) as anunique opportunity to stimulate cooperationand coordination on Arctic Research and toincrease the awareness and visibility of humanhealth concerns of Arctic peoples (www.arctic-council.org). While previous polar years(IPY 1882-1883; IPY 1932-1933; and the InternationalGeophysical Year 1957-1958) openedpolar regions to internationally coordinatedresearch and exploration, human health wasnot considered as a research theme. At theNovember 2004 Arctic Council meeting heldin Reykjavik, Iceland, the ministers approvedthe Sustainable Development Working Group(SDWG) proposal of an International PolarYear (IPY) Arctic Human Health Initiative(AHHI).International Journal of Circumpolar Health 65:4 2006