摘要:The ICCH 13 could not come at a more influentialjuncture, historically. The ICCH13was significant for three reasons. First, theICCH13 was the preeminent gateway eventfor the 2007 – 2008 International Polar. Asthe International Polar Year process onlyoccurs every 50 years, ICCH13 began a seriesof scientific processes that will shape arcticresearch for the next two generations andbeyond. Second, ICCH13 represented thefirst time that human health was introducedinto the International Polar Year agenda. Allthe previous international polar years haveconcentrated on the physical sciences. Lastbut not least, the circumpolar health triennialCongresses have not been held by our largestadhering body since we were last in Novosibirskin October 2-7, 1978, 28 years ago.International Journal of Circumpolar Health 65:4 2006