摘要:Objectives. The Inuit traditionally exhibit a distinctive cancer pattern characterised by high frequencies of nasopharyngeal (NPC) and salivary gland carcinomas, and low frequencies of tumours common in Western populations. Both NPC and salivary gland carcinomas are closely associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a nearly ubiquitous infection in all populations, and infection among Inuit is characterised by a particular pattern with early primary infection and high antibody titres. NPC is believed to be the result of environmental factors, especially EBV, acting on genetically susceptible individuals. However, knowledge is sparse on the extent and importance of the individual susceptibility and the interaction with EBV. During the second half of the twentieth century considerable changes in living conditions and lifestyle have occurred in the Inuit population of Greenland, and the effects on the patterns of malignant disease and EBV acquisition are unknown. The present thesis explores different aspects of the EBV-associated carcinomas among Inuit, with emphasis on the individual susceptibility of NPC and the epidemiology of EBV infection.(Int J Circumpolar Health 2005; 64(4):427-429)