摘要:Opinion polarization in blogosphere is an special and important group behavior which often foreshow the emergence of some significant public social events. In this paper, we first analyze the original blog dissemination characteristics include dissemination networked, free agenda-setting and against the spiral of silence phenomenon. Then, we construct a opinion dissemination dynamic model with the method of reductionism and holism. We decompose the blogosphere into different subnets according to the degree distribution, and build the basic dynamic equations with the k-degree subnet, then extended to the whole network to study the polarization phenomenon. After that , we point out the weakness of scale free network to depict the blogosphere in brief and give a new novel model and simulate the process of the opinion dissemination influenced by the composition of the initial opinion, the fixed opinion groups and subjective mental preference of interactive groups. Empirical research shows that polarization will surely happen, consensus is impossible in blogosphere.