摘要:Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have beenwidely used in various applications. Since their sensor nodesare resource-constrained and their security primitives needto store a set of security credentials to share a securechannel, key management is one of the most challengingissues in the design of WSN. Currently, various efficientlightweight key management schemes (KMs) have beenproposed to enable encryption and authentication in WSNfor different application scenarios. According to differentrequirements, it is important to select the trustworthy keymanagement schemes in a WSN for setting up a fully trustedWSN mechanism. In this context, adaptive methods arerequired to evaluate those schemes.In this paper, we exploit Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) to help with the complex decision. Specifically, weconsider the following performance criteria: scalability, keyconnectivity, resilience, storage overhead, processing overheadand communication overhead. Two case studies are added forverifying our proposal. Via the two case studies, it is verifiedthat our method is able to help selecting a suitable schemefor given requirements.