摘要:The mathematical model of single-phase flow of gas was established based on the k-ε two-equation model and numerically simulated the eddy air-curtain dust controlled flow field in hard rock mechanized driving face with the help of FLUENT software on account of the collocated grid SIMPLE algorithm. The result showed that, after all the pressure ventilation blown out by the radial clearance of mural cylinder, a full-face eddy air-curtain flow field is formed at the roadway section and with the help of the exhausting cylinder, it keeps pushing toward the tunneling place, forming the air-curtain dust controlled flow field that presses the tunneling place equally in front of the driver of road header. After the application of the development of new light polymer materials radial cylinder eddy air-curtain dust controlled system was adopted in hard rock mechanized driving face of north conveyor main roadway, the average settlement rate of total dust and repairable dust have reached to 97.4% and 96.8% respectively, reducing the local dust concentration effectively.
关键词:hard rock mechanized driving face;mural cylinder;eddy air-curtain;dust control;k-ε model