摘要:The paper describes a microcomputer control system, which uses the floating-point digital signal processor TMS320LF2407 from Texas Instruments, for three-phase PWM rectifier. It could effectively eliminate harmonic distortion of line currents and provides power factor correction. Moreover, it can be save electrical energy and reduction of production cost. In the control system, the predictive current control in two-dimensional (α-β) stationary frame, makes the input current following the phase voltage in phase to get unity power factor; and space vector pulse wide modulation (SVPWM) generates the modulation wave. Finally, the three-phase PWM rectifier using the proposed control system is designed in Simulink/Matlab and executed in laboratory prototype, and the results are provided to verify the proposed control system in the end of the paper.
关键词:PWM rectifier;Predictive digital current control;Space vector pulse wide modulation;Unity power factor