摘要:Adaptive Front-lighting System (AFS) technology is the next generation of automotive adaptive headlights system. It enables driver to see the bend of the road fully before turning, improving the road safety and the pedestrians’ safety. With the LIN communication module, MASTER node angle collection module and steering gear control module, the system implements the AFS. The MASTER is responsible for obtaining the angle signal using the angle sensor KMA200 and initiating communication while the SLAVE node is responsible for adjusting of the Front-light. The Master will load information into the data field and send it to the SLAVE. Messages are filtered and the message of which the ID field and the local ID is consistent, data field will be read, as a PWM control of the steering gear parameters. Experimental results show that the AFS system has a satisfactory accuracy and it can be used in the Citrus Orchards. The system can improve the safety of the citrus conveyers at night and in any bad weather.