摘要:This paper presents a time-varying sliding mode adaptive controller in order to handle the stick-slip oscillation of nonlinear rotary drilling system. The time-varying sliding mode controller with strong robust has two time-varying sliding surfaces, one of them induced time-varying integral sliding mode control can control the transient stage of the rotary drilling system and ensure the system remains the sliding condition whatever in usual or existing the parameter changes and disturbances to arrive at a controller capable of global stability. The herein developed controller is, a time-varying sliding mode adaptive controller has tracking performance and identification of drilling parameters. Lyapunov principles have been carried out to verify the stability and robustness of system. The simulation results show that the controller has faster dynamic responses and suppress stick-slip in oil well drill string, can achieve global stability of rotary drilling system.
关键词:time-varying sliding mode control;adaptive control;stick-slip;rotary drilling system;nonlinear system