摘要:Background: Materials and methods: Results: Conclusions: Key words: VIDEO-BASED EDUCATION, DEMONSTRATION, LEARNING AND TEACHING.The routine educational method, demonstration is more effective in practical learning skills incomparison with the video-based education method especially in the psychological domination. It is thereforerecommended to apply this method and also to do researches in other skills and in other educational universitybranches.The total learning rates in demonstrating method were more than the video-based method (P < 0.043). Thelearning rate in the recognizing domination in hand washing using demonstrating method was 16.20±1.5 while usingvideo-based method was 15.25±1 (P > 0.068).The learning rate in the psychological domination in hand washing using demonstrating method was 16.85±1.5 whileusing video-based method was 15.94±1.4 (P < 0.026).The learning rate in the recognizing domination in changing a wound dressing using demonstrating method was15.60±1.8 while using video-based method was 15.5±1 (P > 0.831).The learning rate in the psychological domination in changing a wound dressing using demonstrating method was16.87±1.3 while using video-based method was 16.12±1(P < 0.036).The research was experimentally done on 40 students of Nursing and Obstetrics education.The samples were randomly divided into 2 groups depending on their educational branch. The pre-test was done inthe form of written and short-answer tests in the recognizing domination in order to measure the participants’knowledge, also in the form of a checklist in the psychological domination to measure their skills. Each group wasthought one skill by the routine method, demonstration, and another skill by the video-based education method. Theskills were changing a wound dressing and washing the hands in the surgical way. The post-tests, similar to the pretests,were done 24 hours afterwards and the results were judged statistically.Journal of Medical Education Fall 2003;4(1): 27 -30This research was done in the year 2002 in order to compare the effectiveness of video-based educationwith demonstrating method on gaining practical learning skills. The importance of practical skill learning especiallyin the branches of medical sciences, the existing contrasts in the effectiveness of educational methods and theadvantages of using some methods in learning, facility, rate and expenditure made us think about it as an importantsubject.