摘要:Four strains of lactobacilli out of a total of 13 tested showed a small but consistent inhibitory effect against 16 of 18 vaginal strains of enterococci. Forty-four per cent (8/18) of the enterococci were sensitive to all four lactobacilli, 11 per cent (2/18) were unaffected by any of the lactobacilli and the remaining 44 per cent (8/18) were sensitive to combinations of two or three of the lactobacilli cultures and sterile culture supernatants as determined using the disc diffusion assay. The sensitivity of the enterococci to the lactobacilli could not be correlated with antibiotic resistance or haemolysin production. The inhibitory activity did not appear to be due to acid or low pH and the lactobacilli did not inhibit each other. Assuming that the activity can be produced in vivo, these strains may be useful in the prevention of urinary tract infection by enterococci.Keywords: Lactobacilli; Inhibitor; Enterococci