摘要:Spatial and temporal variability of saprophytic (SB) and salt-tolerant saprophytic (STSB) bacterial counts as well total coliforms (TC), Escherichia coli (EC) and faecal streptococci (FS) were investigated in the Egyptian surface coastal waters of the Aqaba and Suez Gulfs as well as the Red Sea. A total of 200 samples was collected from 40 sites during January, March, May, July and September 2002. Hydrographical parameters including water temperature (C), salinity (S‰), dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were also measured. According to the European and Egyptian current standards, of 200 samples analysed during 2002, 183 samples (91.5%) were acceptable for marine recreational purposes. The results indicated that the water quality of the investigated coastal areas was generally affected by sewage disposal and/or other anthropogenic influences. However, in bathing and recreational areas, the water quality was mainly affected by the excessive human presence, i.e. tourists/visitors and their recreational activities. In general, the counts of all investigated bacterial groups were found to be correlated with each other.Key words: Red Seat, Aqaba Gulf, Suez Gulf, recreational waters, water quality, bacterial indicators, saprophytic bacteria