摘要:The implementation of e-business and e-commerce provide the value of virtual computer-based interactions and transactions. It causes the traditional value chain that revealed the sequentially flowed business process shifts to the customer-oriented value chain that are not sequential anymore. This paper will discuss about how the integration of e-commerce or e-business changes the way business work within its organization itself and between its trading partners and customers in the shipping and warehousing industry. It will be done in accordance to the strategy that is used by the company. Also, it will discuss the competitions in this industry at a glance. Since new business models are necessary to integrate e-commerce initiatives with overall business goals and strategy, then, this paper will take a closer look at the use of such technology to conduct business in order to be a leader in their industry and to leverage the business competitive advantages. How Fedex, as a leader in shipping and warehousing industry, build its e-commerce will be presented in detail to drive the readers understanding to this topic. Finally, this paper will discuss about its implication to the accounting profession.
关键词:e-commerce; logistic; value chain; shipping and warehousing industry; accounting profession