标题:Development of Land Capacity Status for Labour Absorption in Horticulture Area Using Geographic Information System, A Case Study in Samarang Subdistrict, Garut, West Java
摘要:An index for labour absorption capacity of an agricultural cropping system requires worker number from direct activities and non-direct activities in a field The number of workers from direct activities can be generated from land management (ploughing, fertilization, weeding, etc), meanwhile the number of workers from non direct activities such as transportation of manure and product, has to include a distance effect. A distance of a farm from a collection point, where agricultural facilities distributed, contributes to the number of workers requiredfor carrying such products or fertilizers. To calculate a distant effect to absorption capacity is hampered by difficulty in measuring of farm distance in a field, which implies it is rare found such proper data in producing a labour absorption capacity. GIS as a spatial technology has capability to produce such as distance effect. This research demonstrated the use of GIS in prodUCing labour absorption capacity index and map of status labour absorption in Samarang sub district, where several intensive agricultural activities such as paddy, vegetable and perfume grass crops were found The map could be used to understand indirectly the economic situation of the area.