期刊名称:DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology
出版社:DESIDOC, Ministry of Defence, India
摘要:In India, statistical agencies responsible for colkction, processing and disseminatim oi sockonomk statistics in a dtcentraYsed wt up, release dala mostly in ihe form of serials and reporls. Propr and easy nccess to data depends an tactws such as rdease of uwrs' guidtJ/methdo+ogicai handhks, timeliness in release of aata, provision fw access to unpubkshed data and use of electronic media for data dissemrnatbn. Of late. these apncies nave taken certain measures to meet the data needs 04 users. lnternatimll agencies such as the UN and stat:si)cal ofiices of dwcloped countries have started wing modern techrahy t d s like CD-ROM and INTERNET for wid# dissemination of data. An attitudiml change ir still needed for prwiding pmper and easy access to sociwmmmlc data.http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dbit.18.4.3405
关键词:Socio economic information; Information system; India