出版社:Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
摘要:Effect of various carbon and nitroged compounds on the growth ahe sporulatice of Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes Penz., is lated from diseased leaves of Manihot utilissima Pohl. (a plant of great economic value for its starchy tuberous roots), was studied in liquid cultures. Of the various carbon compounds used starch, glycrine, sucrose and maltose supported good growth of the organism. Fructose, glucose and gala ctose were comparatively poor supporteds while lactose supported least growth of the organism. The sporulation of the fungus fungus was satisfactory on all the carbon sources used in the investigation, best being on starh, Comparatively poor sporulation was recorded on fructose and galactose. Among organic sources of nitrogen, which were better utilized by the fungus than inorganic ones, tryptophane, aspartic acid and asparagin showed good growth of fungs. Among inorgonic sources potassium nitrate was the best. No growth was recorded on sodium nitrite. There was no correlation between the sporulation and growth of the fungus in relation to the source from which nitrogen was obtained.