出版社:Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
摘要:This paper gives the results of an experimental study on nitramine extruded double-base (EDB)fonnulationscontaining up to 25 percent RDXin low and high calorimetric value double-base(DB)propellants. The effect of ballistic modifiers on the burn rate and pressure exponent ( 11) of promisingfonnulations has also been investigated. The data generated on various parameters reveal that ( i)nitraniine EDB propellants exhibit relatively superior thennal stability,' (ii) tensile strength andpercentage elongation are drastically altered if RDX concentration exceeds 15 per cent, (iii) 11 islowered significantly in the presence of ballistic modifiers, (iv) characteristic velocity (C*) values arehigher to that for the control tonnulation, and ( v) temperature sensitivity of burn rate is on the lowerside (0,20 -0.25 % / °C as against 0.40 % / °C) in the presence of ballistic modifiers.