摘要:Short distance trips are defined as any trips shorter than or equal to 5 kilometers, which have been found to be a big contributor to the traffic congestion problem. This paper is intended to analyze factors that influence the mode choice of short distance travels in order to help reduce short distance trips by cars. A survey is conducted at two typical kinds of residential areas, one with a high proportion of short distance car trips and another one with a low proportion. Then, by applying the structural equation modeling, it is found that the age, the household income, and the vehicle ownerships have a significant effect on the mode choice of short distance travels. Besides, among residents of the same type (same age, household income, and vehicle ownerships) in surveyed areas, those in the area with a better green-mode travel environment account for a higher proportion choosing the green mode than those in other areas. Based on this result, it is concluded that a better green-mode travel environment leads to a higher proportion of green-mode travels. In the end, the paper shows residents’ stated willingness to change travel modes from cars to the green mode.