出版社:Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Studijski centar socijalnog rada
摘要:This article reviews the psychological research on employability, as one of the latest responses on growing unemployment, job insecurity and need for increased labour mobility in the context of ongoing changes which have characterized working life over the past few decades. In this regard, our definition of employability is based on individual resources which promote proactive coping and flexibility on the ever-changing labour market. We present two dominant, empirically grounded models which serve as conceptual frameworks of key characteristics of employable individuals: (1) the competence-based model and (2) the dispositional model of employability. In line with both models, we describe core employability dimensions along with research results on their importance for individual’s work-related well-being. Furthermore, results on the validation of the dispositional employability concept in the Croatian working context are presented. Finally, we critically assess two models, discuss practical implications and give suggestions for the future research.