The article points out that the process of mastering foreign language stimulates students’ personal, professional and cultural growth, improving linguistic, communicative competences and viability levels. A proposed pedagogical technology of modeling different communicative situations has a serious synergetic potential for students’ self organized viability as a way of their self-realization in linguistic communicative creativity improving a quality of professional education. It is noted that a viable specialist must be ready to different social changes and hardships, to be autonomous and adaptable, flexible and sustainable, competent and competitive, to be able to take extraordinary decisions in different unpredictable vital situations. There is a dependence of developing personal psychological characteristics and professional, linguistic and communicative competences on the level of students’ viability. The authors prove that a pedagogical technology of modeling communicative situations improves the students’ viability level at technical universities of this country. It is underlined that this technology must be integrated part of personal and professional development of future specialists. In this regard the authors propose to change the purpose, quality of educational process and evaluating criteria of competent specialist with the help of students’ viability criteria.