摘要:The present study purposes to examine the mediating role of Market Orientation in its nexus amongEntrepreneurial Orientation, Absorptive Capacity and Technological Innovation Capabilities among constructionSMEs in Kurdistan region of Iraq. Due to the critical role of SMEs in construction industry for the reconstructionof Iraq in general and Kurdistan region in particular, the purpose of present study is to determine whether theMarket Orientation has a mediating role in its relation with the examined variables, so as to examine that, themodel of present study was developed. To validate the proposed model, self-administered questionnaire wereconducted to gathering data from SMEs owners in Kurdistan region of Iraq, 249 questionnaires returned andused for statistical analysis Out of 278 distributed. The outcomes of present research reflect that both ofAbsorptive Capacity and Entrepreneurial Orientation have significant effect on Technological InnovationCapabilities. Furthermore, the outcomes of present study assert that the Market Orientation has a partialmediation mechanism in the nexus between Absorptive Capacity and Technological Innovation Capabilities.