摘要:This piece of study puts forward an analysis on the repoduction of family-agriculturists by means of the similar evidences found in two rural communities. Both the productive and the reproductive processes are simultaneous, and the continuous re-conversion of part of the production into new means re-creates the social and cultural conditions for the agriculturists' existence. The reproductive effort comes to the fore when one observes how family work is organized, how its successor is elected, how the estate growth occurs, and how they get to new agricultural or non-agricultural activities which will lead them to a financial improvement. This work starts off by presenting the theorical and book references used in the analisys of the studied problem. Later on, it will also present the reproduction strategies which are common features in both cases. A dynamic sharing of roles in family work was noticed, although it showed to be steady as far as the economic relevance of the activity is concerned, as it turns out to be restricted by the man/money and woman/house-caring criterium. The way they prepare their successors showed to be similar, as well as was how they use land acquisition to adjust heritage. Savings also feature in the form of cattle for the small land owners, whereas, historically speaking, swines play the same role for the farmhands. Migration and pluriactivity also showed up as fundamental tools for the expansion of the patrimony of young adults.also, in both cases, came the rural dealer figure performed by a community member. Therefore, the reproduction strategies prove to be similar in the process of development of the family - exploitation unit , resulting from conflicts and alliances, external and internal pressures which acted on themselves, in an effort to auto-exploit and auto-reproduce.