A lagoa Mundaú faz parte de um complexo estuarino de grande importância econômica para a população que vive em seu entorno. Porém, ao longo do tempo, esse ecossistema vem sendo afetado por uma variedade de impactos antrópicos, o que tem comprometido a atividade pesqueira na região. Registramos, neste trabalho, o processo de declínio da pesca artesanal em Fernão Velho, comunidade localizada na malha urbana da cidade de Maceió, estado do Alagoas, Nordeste do Brasil. Para a coleta de informações, foram utilizadas entrevistas livres e semiestruturadas, e, para a seleção dos entrevistados, foi utilizada a técnica Snowball Sampling. Os resultados mostram que a pesca artesanal já não garante o sustento dos pescadores tradicionais e de suas famílias, o que tem contribuído para o declínio do conhecimento evidenciado para a captura e construção das artes de pesca, que já não está sendo transmitido aos descendentes. Assim, constata-se o processo de marginalização e as consequentes mudanças na utilização e construção dos aparelhos de pesca e os riscos do desaparecimento dessa atividade nos próximos anos.
One of the major issues in ethnobiology is the quality of life of coastal communities who traditionally survive by artisanal fishing. Due to uncontrolled exploitation of fisheries resources and irregular urban sprawl, fishing in estuaries and mangroves is undergoing widespread decline. A good example is the Mundaú Lagoon, Alagoas state, northeast Brazil, part of a highly productive estuarine complex where fishing is a vital component of livelihoods of many communities, including the village of Fernão Velho. This lagoon has been affected by different anthropogenic activities that have reduced fish stocks and negatively impacted the social and economic conditions of the surrounding communities. The present study assesses the current state of fisheries in Fernão Velho. The study was conducted between June 2007 and November 2012, through open and semi-structured interviews, observations and photographic records. Fishermen were selected by a snowball sampling technique. The results indicate that about 95 % of the respondents have low levels of education. Young people do not aspire to become fishers, being enrolled in public schools or developing other activities. Thus, the culture of artisanal fishing is no longer being transmitted to the new generation, potentially leading to its eventual disappearance. Current fishing vessels include canoes, boats and vogue boats. Between fish attractor are the caiçaras e pitimbóias, little used today. Fishing methods includes gillnetting, casting net, shrimp traps and jereré, beyond reducho and fishing beat, classified as illegal methods. Despite the decline of fish stocks in the Mundaú lagoon, Fernão Velho still harbors a community of traditional fishermen with considerable knowledge about the construction and use of fishing gear, as well as detailed information about the ecological state of the local fish fauna.