Palliative care exists due to the people who suffer from incurable or serious illness. They are provided by a specialized team that works closely with patients and families, whose central objective is to improve the patients well-being and quality of life. Many patients become incapable of expressing themselves verbally with the progression of the disease. In this cases the family is the only source available to health care practitioners infer the patient´s status and preferences. The present study aimed to compare the patient´s and family´s perspectives regarding the palliative patient´s well-being: level and factors for its improvement. The participants were 74 patients and 83 families recruited in four palliative care units/services from different regions of the country. It was a cross-sectional, exploratory, and between groups comparison study. A single item of global well-being and a question concerning the degree of importance of nine relevant factors to the end of life were used. Patient and family observe the level of well-being as reasonable and evaluate the majority of the factors important for its enhancement similarly. Statistically significant differences were found only in the degree of importance assigned to the factors: mentally aware, treatment options followed and feel life was meaningful. It is concluded that when it´s not possible to obtain the patient´s self report, family is able to report his perspective on their own well-being.