Located in Campinas (SP). Jardim Campo Belo is a neighborhood characterized by high social vulnerability and a high demand for health services, with the only mental health service on offer accessible via another healthcare unit. It was in this context and during the second year of medical school, that we conducted an intervention initiative, monitoring patients using psychotropic drugs in their homes. Fortnightly visits were made to homes of 10 patients. During these visits, we conducted semi-directed interviews that allowed us to learn of the patients' needs. Some patients increased their own healthcare measures, in one case even being suspended from using psychotropic medications, in partnership with the health team. In other cases, visits served to provide a kind of sounding board, providing a moment for offering attention to individuals used to being neglected by society. Students involved reported having learned a great deal from the experiences and involvement with the subject, with it serving as a valuable educational supplement to the degree course.