OBJECTIVE: To present the experience of a Brazilian institution in the learning of Rheumatology at medical school and whose teaching project is structured into active learning methodologies. METHODS: Derived from a descriptive study with a qualitative approach to content related to Rheumatology in the medicine course of CESUPA. RESULTS: The musculoskeletal system is discussed in the second and seventh terms as part of the modules related to the locomotor system and Internal Medicine II, respectively, and each stage and activity has specific minimum objectives. In addition to the theoretical content, in the seventh term the students conduct Rheumatology ambulatory care where the focus is on preparing proper anamnesis and physical examination. During internship the students resume Rheumatology ambulatory care and at this point their diagnostic, investigative and therapeutic skills are the most required. CONCLUSION: There still is much to evolve in terms of finding an ideal model for teaching Rheumatology. However, by complying with the principal recommendations available for good medicine school teaching practices, we are able to offer future doctors the knowledge, skills and experiences that will potentially support them when treating rheumatology patients.