Objective: To evaluate the Psychological Dimension of Quality of Life (PDQOL) of medical students at the Federal University of Bahia, examining the sample population in terms of sociodemographic and epidemiological variables and identifying associated factors. Method: A cross-sectional study based on a self-administered questionnaire incorporating questions of PDQOL proposed by the WHO, applied to 1st to 8th semester students. Results: The relevant factors identified for the increased prevalence of low PDQOL were: being a second year medical student, female, married, living with parents versus living alone or with others; having a family income of less than 15 minimum wages or not knowing the family income versus an income of more than 15 minimum wages; having chosen medicine for reasons not related to ability; not having enough money for everyday needs; not practicing any pleasurable extracurricular activities; being dissatisfied with the cost of meals, the quality of the books in the library and safety on campus; unhealthy diet; drinking alcohol versus being teetotal; and using or having used illicit drugs. Conclusion: The results suggest that medical school does have an influence on PDQOL.