Created by Ordinance Law 154/GM of 24 January 2008, the Family Health Support Center (NASF) aims to increase the capacity of Family Health Strategy (ESF) teams so as to meet the needs of the population within each team's coverage area. Based on the principles of comprehensive and interdisciplinary care, what distinguishes this from other programs in operation is the proposal for a broad-scope clinic. Professionals from diverse areas, such as speech therapists, physiotherapists, nutritionists, physical educators and psychologists form the NASF. These professionals are admitted as required by each region covered by the family health teams. This new field opens a door for these professionals to work within a matrix framework, playing a unique role which should be developed since undergraduate training. In view of this proposal, this paper reports the observations of a student speech therapist about her experience acting in a Family Health Support Center pilot project at Vale do Itajaí University, Santa Catarina, Brazil in 2008.