Purpose the effectiveness’ analysis of workshops on hearing health as proposed educational actions in health workers exposed to noise. Methods intervention study of 15 male worker exposed to noise in a food industry. Stages (1) assessment of hearing profile, (2) application of the questionnaire” Beliefs and attitudes about hearing protection” (NIOSH, 1996) – version A; (3) formulate and conduct three workshops covering some aspects of participatory methodology, with the following themes: anatomy-physiology of hearing, effects of noise, prevention, diagnosis of had noise induced hearing loss, consequences of PAIR, noise and its control, use of ear protections. (4) questionnaire application - version B for workshops evaluation. They were compared with seizure or retention of knowledge through the differences in scores found in questionnaires version A and version B. Results among investigated workers (15), the average working average working time was 31,5 years, all males showed that 40% had noise induced hearing loss bilaterally. After application of the workshops there was a statistically significant improvement in tree thematic areas, namely: a) Perception of susceptibility to developing a hearing loss, b) Perceived benefits of preventive action and c) Changes in behavioral intentions. Conclusion the pedagogical design of the Participatory type contributed to the reflection of the workers about preserving your hearing and health in the noise. Using the questionnaire of beliefs and attitudes led to the identification of issues that need to be addressed in other educational activities.