PURPOSE: correlate the maximum phonation time (MPT) and the relations between the fricative /s/ and /z/ (s/z) and between the vowels /ė/ and /e/ (ė/e) of women without laryngeal disorders. METHOD: participants were 60 women with a mean of 21.56 years old. Were collected MPT/ė/, /e/, /s/ and /z/ and calculated the relations ė/e and s/z, with normal pattern for the relationship from 0.8 to 1.2; for MPT/s/ and MPT/z/, between 15.57 and 34.17s; for the MPT/ė/, between 16 to 18s; and for the MPT/e/, between 14.04 and 26.96s. Lilliefords, Spearman, Binomial and Mann-Whitney tests with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: positive correlation between MPT/s/ and MPT/ė/, MPT/z/ and MPT/e/, MPT/s/ and MPT/z/, and MPT/ė/ and MPT/e/. There was no correlation between the ratios s/z and ė/e, no differences between the relative ė/e, while the relation s/z was significantly normal. MPT/ė/ and MPT/e/ significantly reduced; MPT/s/ and MPT/z/ significantly normal. MPT/ė/ significantly lower than MPT/s/; MPT/e/ significantly lower than MPT/z/. CONCLUSION: the phonemes /s/ and /z/ isolates and its relation were within normal and the relations s/z and ė/e don't show correlation. The MPT/ė/ and MPT/e/ were decreased relative to normal. The MPT/ė/ was lower than MPT/s/ and MPT/e/ smaller than the MPT/z/, possibly due to the way of articulation fricative have increased transmission time, regardless of the level control glottal and respiratory.