出版社:Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales
摘要:Industry is traditionally highly concentrated in Brasil, but a trend toward deconcentration was in progress from 1970 on. Recent data shows that important changes have occurred, with a reversal in the previous trend. In this paper a measure of competitiveness for different regions is presented, based on Kaldor´s model of efficiency wages. A series of data on manufacturing for the regions is developed, updating the 1985 industrial census. Based on this data, comparative indicators of labor productivity, wages and profitability for 2 digit manufacturing sectors are calculated. The results indicate a change in the trend of regional competitiveness, with the industrial core of the country keeping their relative advantage from 1985 on. The findings suggest that the reversal in the trend towards industrial deconcentration point to the maintenance of regional inequalities in the country in the near future. Some explanatory factors behind this process are discussed.