This was a descriptive, exploratory, documental study of trends that aimed to analyze process indicators in the Program for Humanization of Prenatal Care and Childbirth in Ceará State, Brazil, from 2001 to 2006. The authors analyzed data from 312,507 pregnant women. In 2001, the year the program was implemented in the State, the system tabulated data for three of the seven process indicators; beginning in 2002, all indicators were tabulated. Total enrollment of pregnant women was the only indicator that increased every year until 2006, while the other indicators increased from 2002 until 2005, but declined from 2005 to 2006. When combining the completion of six prenatal visits with a postpartum visit, routine laboratory tests, or both, the percentages declined. Tetanus immunization reached the highest percentage in 2002 (68.34%), decreasing to 60.86% in 2006. The combination of six prenatal visits, a postpartum visit, laboratory tests, tetanus immunization, and HIV test was the indicator with the lowest percentage for the State (15.67%), although it was higher than the national average. Even considering flaws in the use of the Prenatal Care Information System, it is unacceptable that prenatal care still lacks complete coverage for such basic elements as routine laboratory tests and tetanus immunization.