El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar a los adolescentes que utilizan los servicios de atención primaria de una comunidad; saber cómo se expresan en la búsqueda de ayuda médica, la atención recibida y aspectos sociofamiliares. De entre un total de 35 unidades de atención primaria urbanas pertenecientes a la red de salud pública del municipio de Pelotas (Brasil), 10 fueron elegidas al azar y entrevistados todos los individuos entre 13 y 19 años que consultaron al médico y no al psiquiatra durante tres meses. (n = 463). La utilización de los servicios tiene un carácter más bien curativo que preventivo. Los varones acuden menos y lo hacen principalmente con quejas somáticas, mientras que las jóvenes suelen manifestar quejas sexuales. Raros son los que expresan sus aflicciones emocionales, aunque algunos relatan problemas familiares, escolares y situaciones estresantes.
The objective of this study was to characterize adolescent clients of community-based primary health care services in order to understand: 1) how they express themselves when they seek medical help; 2) the health care they receive; and 3) key social and family factors. Among 35 urban primary care services belonging to the municipal public health department in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, 10 were randomly selected, and all individuals between 13 and 19 years of age who had previously had an appointment with a non-psychiatric physician were interviewed during a three-month period (n = 463). Use of the services has more of a more curative than preventive focus. Males seek medical help less frequently and mainly due to physical complaints. Females tend to express themselves on the basis of sexual problems. Few adolescents expressed their emotional problems, although some mentioned family and school problems as well as stressful situations.