Foram testados intradermicamente com PPD (RT23 e FAP5U) 236 pacientes hansenianos (138 multibacilares e 98 paucibacilares) e 291 contatos sadios. Observa-se um percentual menor de reatores ao PPD em pacientes multibacilares (42%), quando comparados a paucibacilares (62,2%) e contatos sadios (63,2%). Entre os pacientes multibacilares, o índice bacteriológico (IB) mostrou ser fator de interferência na resposta ao PPD, sendo significativamente maior o percentual de respondedores em pacientes com IB negativo, quando comparados aos com IB igual ou acima de 3. Foi observado um elevado índice de positividade à tuberculina em contatos sadios (61,0%) e pacientes paucibacilares (65,3%) com teste de Mitsuda positivo.
PPD (Purified Protein Derivative) was injected intradermally in 236 leprosy patients (138 of multibacillary form and 98 paucibacillary), 297 healthy household leprosy contacts. The less reactive population to PPD was composed of multibacillary patients with a positivity rate of 42%, 62,2% for paucibacillary and 63,2% for contacts. Among the multibacillary patients the BI (Bacteriological index) seems to interfere with PPD reactivity. It was found a significative association between negative response to PPD and BI greater than 3+ (p<5). It was observed high positivity rate to PPD in healthy household contacts (61,0%) and paucibacillary leprosy patients (65,3%) with positive Mitsuda Skin test.