Para entender a percepção do consumidor quanto ao varejo eletrônico em sua dimensionalidade, este artigo objetiva (a) verificar as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento e-TailQ no varejo eletrônico brasileiro e (b) identificar a associação dos fatores da escala com variáveis de marketing. A amostra é composta por 344 pessoas que já compraram bens no varejo eletrônico, e é configurada como uma survey do tipo bola de neve por conveniência. Os resultados demonstraram que o subconstruto qualidade de serviço ao consumidor foi eliminado da estrutura por apresentar altos valores omissos; a qualidade de design relacionou-se significativamente com satisfação, boca-a-boca e lealdade; e a variável qualidade de preenchimento teve relações positivas com lealdade, satisfação e boca-a-boca, mas negativa com valor.
The service quality construct has been researched thoroughly in the marketing literature in terms of antecedents, consequences, dimensions, etc. However, not only research in electronic service quality still lacks of accomplishments, but also some definitions and dimensionality tests. Based on this context, the paper looked for understanding more the perceived quality in the electronic retail. Specifically, the paper verifies empirically the structure of the e-TailQ in the Brazilian electronic retail and associates its factors with loyalty, satisfaction, value and word-of-mouth. In terms of method, the sample contained just people that bought products in the electronic retail. It was a survey with a snowball sample of 344 people. The results demonstrated that the quality service consumer construct was eliminated by presenting high missing values; that quality design obtained three significant relationships from the four predicted − with satisfaction, word-of-mouth and loyalty; and that quality fulfillment − which is the product description so that consumers receive what they exactly looking for − had significant relationships with loyalty, satisfaction and word-of-mouth and negative with value.